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时间:2024-11-15 23:35:06 来源:网络整理 编辑:休闲
01今日长难句Britain is becoming a more closed economy due to Brexit, with damaging long-term implications
Britain is becoming a more closed economy due to Brexit, with damaging long-term implications for productivity and wages which will leave the average worker 470 pounds ($577) a year poorer by the end of the decade, a study forecast on Wednesday.
household wealth 家庭财富
decline [dɪˈklaɪn] v. 减少,考研下降
the first quarter 第一季度
drop [drɑːp] n. 下降,英语下跌
the stock market 股票市场,长难葫芦岛市某某网络工程销售部股市
overwhelm [ˌoʊvərˈwelm] v. 压倒,考研超过
gain [ɡeɪn] n. 增加,英语增值
home value 房价
Federal Reserve 美联储
US household wealth declined
for the first time in two years
in the first quarter of 2022
as a drop in the stock market overwhelmed continued gains in home values
US household wealth declined for the first time in two years in the first quarter of 2022 as a drop in the stock market overwhelmed continued gains in home values, a Federal Reserve report on Thursday showed.
美联储(Federal Reserve)周四发布的长难一份报告显示,由于股市下跌超过了房价持续上涨的考研影响,2022年第一季度,英语美国家庭财富两年来首次出现下降。长难
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“走读中国——走进大美新疆”参访团走进昌吉2024-11-15 21:15
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以色列特拉维夫附近遭火箭弹袭击2024-11-15 23:04
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中信证券遭大股东减持“套现”,近日股价创新高2024-11-15 22:58
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2024年全国高校招培就工作交流大会在雄安新区成功举办2024-11-15 21:44
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